the coromandel artbeat

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the brief//
Develop a brand/ event identity for a new festival focussed around arts on the Coromandel Peninsula.

Creative Coromandel, an independent charitable trust advocating for the arts on the Coromandel Peninsula, identified the need to strengthen and invigorate the communities within the region after the traumatic effects of several disasters like COVID and Cyclone Gabrielle. The 3 month event will be a key driver in this support.

The event will function as an umbrella or korowai (cloak) that embraces and ties together a multitude of independent artists, communities and events. It enables local artists and groups to be part of a bigger picture, and have a wider reach in the promotion of their individual events. Mostly it allows the region to identify as a whole, be promoted as a whole, and grow together stronger as a whole.

To develop a brand/ event identity that is unique and recognisable while allowing to integrate independent local entities and their efforts to comfortable sit within this event brand umbrella. Also the event brand needs to be inclusive of various cultures present in the region and support and encourage their involvement.

The solution is focussed around the Coromandel Peninsula’s long history of crafts traditions, pottery, weaving, woodturning etc, when people came to the Coromandel to live an alternative lifestyle and make a living out of their artistic skills. This authentic, natural or real feel to Coromandel creative communities is still felt and celebrated as being different to an urban art scene or landscape, and that’s what people want to feel and experience when in the Coromandel. It also draws on the idea of the warmth that connection brings – a reminder that life is safe and enjoyable. The professional brand further emphasises Creative Coromandel’s professionalism and ability to deliver on their promise.

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