There are 3 distinct phases during the design process. Work in progress is presented to you for comment before commencing the next phase.
Overall there are no surprises. My method makes you stay in control the whole time.
01) layout:
this often involves hand sketches as well as trials on the computer and/or a combination of both. Work is presented to you for comment. Based on your feedback the work is adjusted. After you’re satisfied things are going the right way, we move on to the next phase.
02) final artwork:
the design is developed in greater detail to be applied to your communication. This can involve great care in crafting a logo in all its variations, or compiling and editing a great deal of text and images to make up a book publication. Whatever generated during the layout phase, this is where it’s distilled into its final form.
03) output:
after making sure there are no more mistakes, the design is carefully prepared for production. Printers like to call this “pre-press” and for screen/web applications there’s a load of different terms for it, too. Basically what it means is getting the work ready for the next lot of people. They all have their different preferences – this will allow them to do their best and turn it into an amazing product for you. Managing this process is usually part of my services, as it requires expertise normally beyond that of a client.
contact Daniel at Studio Kirsch

ideation and implementation phases of your project’s design development